Declaration of Independence!! (From homework??) - History Essay Assignment

    So I thought that this was a funny topic to "declare independence" from. No kid likes homework, and it's very evident that it's forced upon us! Take a read at my own version of the Declaration of Independence. You can thank my History teacher for giving us this assignment...

Declaring Independence From Homework


When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to relinquish the bonds that have connected and plagued many students with the burden of homework. It is evident that through many years, students have stressed over the supererogatory amount of homework that does nothing but inflict unnecessary stress on these poor souls.

Declaration of Student Rights

We hold these truths to be self evident, that all students endure the same tiring and excruciating lectures DAY after DAY. Should these students not be given rest after a 7 hour day of school? Students should have the right of recreation at their disposal when in their own homes. When authoritative peoples / powers daily overload students with a heavy workload, it becomes the student's right to abolish such cruel abuse.


To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world. Students daily sit in overcrowded rooms for 7 hours listening to lectures that do not benefit them. As if this is not enough, teachers assign students a great amount of homework to deal with when the school day is through. They constantly believe that these students have time only for homework, but they fail to recognize the fact that students are tired, and they need rest for their minds. All through the students tired faces and their unenthusiastic attitudes, they still continue to hurt us by imposing a massive and time consuming workload of homework.

Attempts to Address Grievances

Nor have we been wanting in attention to our teachers in authority over us powerless students. We have reminded them of our daily lives and busy routines; yet, they still expect us to work around our already busy schedules to complete time consuming and stressful work! Many Times, when the attention of our tired faces is brought upon our teachers, they blame it on lack of sleep, and although they are right; they fail to recognize that the cause of our fatigue and lack of sleep is due to the homework that they assign us.

Declaration of Independence

We, the students in schools worldwide, do and impose upon ourselves freedom from the burden of homework. This is an incontrovertible way to relieve stressed and tired students, and give them time to focus on their own lives. There are many important things to a young person, and the burden of homework was a forced labor; and something we students dread. With the dissolvement of the stressful burden of homework, we the students worldwide will attain the right to have OUR lives back !


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