Hello darkness, my old friend

Nah JK. I'm only foolin'. 2018 has been one helluva year already... it's BARELY February. Granted, taking 7 classes and working the job that I do; finding rare records and playing them on the air is a lot. History class alone has been ridiculous. We had 3 back to back assignments worth big points, all on the 1920's. For Math, we always come home with lots of HW... most times during the day i'm already stressed before I'm home working on HW.  It's pretty stressful, also I was kinda depressed almost cause I felt like I wasn't going anywhere with records. I wasn't finding anything new and nothing new to buy online either. Then one day, a friend gave me some wise words and BOOOOOM, I came back like a Wrecking Ball (yes I referenced Miley.) So... I just finished the history stuff and lately i've been regaining happiness with finding records. Also notice I haven't posted about records on the blog... that's gonna change. As far as Gatsby goes...... I haven't read much. I just can't find tim for it at home and certainly It's a challenge for me to focus and read by myself. I'm kinda screwed as far as the book goes but I'll do my best to catch up


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